Dringwch i Galfari

Follow to Calvary

(Hanes y Groes
Rhan II - Yr Ateb)
Dringwch i Galfari
  Yn ôl ei droed,
Ef yw yr un oedd Fab
  Duw erioed.

O sefwch, gwelwch wedd
  Y Ceidwad mawr,
Arafwch ar eich taith,
  Ennyd awr.

Y mae yn hardd ei wedd,
  Rhwng llawr a nen,
Y Ceidwad unig yw,
  Ar y Pren.

Yr Wythnos Sanctaidd hon,
  Tra heda hi,
Myfyriwn hanes prudd
cyf. David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948

Tôn [6463D]: Bridgwater (alaw Seisneg)



  Rhan I (Y Gofyniad) Gwel ef â'i wisg yn goch
  Rhan III (Hanes y Groes) Fe'th welwn ar y groes
  Rhan IV (Cenadwri'r Groes) Ti blentyn ing fy mron
  Rhan V (Yr Ateb) O Grist dilynaf di

(The Story of the Cross
Part 2 - The Answer)
Climb ye to Calvary
  In his footprints,
He is the one who had ever been
  The Son of God.

O stand ye, see the countenance
  Of the great Saviour,
Slow down on your journey,
  Stop for an hour.

He is of a beautiful countenance,
  Between earth and heaven,
The lonely Saviour he is,
  On the tree.

This Sacred Week,
  While it flies,
Contemplate the sad story
  Of Calvary.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
(The Story of the Cross
Part 2 - The Answer)
Follow to Calvary;
  Tread where He trod,
He Who forever was
  Son of God.

You who would love Him stand
  Gaze at His face:
Tarry awhile on your
  Earthly race.

As the swift moments fly
  Through the blest week,
Read the great story the
  Cross will teach.

Is there no beauty to
  You who pass by,
In that lone figure which
  Marks that sky?
Edward Munroe 1815-66
    revised by
Mabel Dearmer 1872-1915 (The English Hymnal 1906)

Tune [6463]: Hanes y Groes / Story of the Cross
    (Alfred E Redhead 1855-1937)

Tunes [6463D]:
Bridgwater (alaw Seisnig)
Hanes y Groes / Story of the Cross (Arthur H Brown 1830-1926)

see also:
  Part 1 (The question) See him in raiment rent
  Part 3 (The Story of the Cross) On the cross lifted up
Part IV (The Message of the Cross) Child of my grief and pain
  Part 5 (The Resolve) O I will follow thee

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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